Coaching Sessions
In group or private sessions you and I take a look at your creative past and what you're up to now. Through listening and creative expression, we get to know your inner artist. Then, we'll figure out the best ways for you to connect with and take care of your inner artist, in a way that's totally right for you.
Creativity Connection Fundamentals
Practice Daily Art
It sounds easy but if it was you’d already be doing it! We work to establish ways to integrate creative expression into your life in manageable consistent ways.
As you begin to integrate art into your life you will learn more and more about your inner artist. We will do artful exercises together so you can really get to know and learn to trust this valuable companion.
Nurture The Connection
If we fall out of our practice our well of creativity runs dry. The drier it becomes, the barrier to making art becomes stronger. We will develop ways to keep you accountable so that you can be sure that your well will always be watered.
Keep The Well Wet
Learn More About Creativity Connection Sessions
Interested in a Creativity Connection session? Get in touch to connect with Jo and learn more.